The Rules Are:
- You must post the rules.
- post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
- Tag eleven bloggers, however, you can break the rules and tag fewer people if you want. Make sure you hyperlink their names/blogs.
- Let them know you've tagged them - it's good manners ;)
- Enjoy and have fun with it.
Here are the questions set to me by Mark and my answers:
1 : What made you decide to write a blog?
Actually Mark did. I had been thinking about it for a while, but never bothered finding out how to do it. Then Mark pointed me in the direction of his and I noticed it was on Blogger. I had a squint at the setup and here we are.
2 : What would you say has been the highlight of your blogging career to date?
Well, I have only been doing this for a short space of time, but I wrote a piece about Christmas when my sister and I were kids which she enjoyed so much she told everyone she worked with. I had about 100 hits in two days. It was brilliant.
3 : Name your favourite animal.
I'm a sucker for labradors. Awesome, awesome dogs.
4 : What has been the best thing to ever happen to you?
Aside from my wife and children (I don't mean that to sound twee, it's true), I think it was realising I could sing and I was quite good at it. I love that fact that when I sing, it gives people enjoyment.
5 : You are in a lift with a Nun, a middle-aged business man, a Karl Marx look-alike, a twenty-something female charity worker and Stephen Hawking. The lift shudders to a stop, the lights go out. There is a high-pitched scream followed by a thud. The lights come on and the Nun is lying dead on the floor with a knife in her chest. Who did it and why?
I reckon it was Steven Hawking. If he has a box on that wheelchair that helps him talk, I reckon he has some knife shooting devices too. To be honest, I thought the Nun looked shifty when I got in.
6 : Name your favourite colour.
Before the age of 25, predictably black. After.... I'll say red.
7 : What has been the scariest thing to ever happen to you?
Parenthood. I'm still terrified I'm doing it wrong. Though I know all other parents think that too.
8 : You are about to break the world record for the tallest house of cards in front of a crowded room of onlookers and world press. All of a sudden, some idiot parent allows their errant child to charge over, knocking into your table, sending your world record beating attempt crashing around you. What do you do next?
The world is full of idiots, but there can only be one world record holder for card houses. That person will be me. I will probably scream and make a crazy face. Then I'll start again.
9 : If you had to spend a month on a tropical island, what four luxury items do you take with you?
Fully loaded iPod. Solar powered charging for the iPod. The Art of Shen Ku (Book). Machete. See you in a month. Tell you what, make it two.
10 : Once on your tropical island you are allowed to have one person of your choice to stay with you. Now this can be anyone famous, living or dead, fictional and from any period of time/history - loved ones are not allowed - who do you choose and why?
Billy Connolly. I reckon he'd be up for it and a tremendous laugh..
11 : What has been the worst impulse purchase of a totally useless item (one you convinced yourself into believing you needed, but didn't)? What was it, and do you still have it?
I once bought a Commodore Amiga for the princely sum of £150 when everyone else was getting PC's (early 90's). Can't tell you how stupid I felt. I threw it away.
My Questions
1 : If you aren't blogging, what are you doing?
2 : Monkeys or Cats?
3 : You have the opportunity to reverse the untimely death of any famous/influential person. Who would it be and why?
4 : What one thing that you own could you absolutely not live without? No pets or people in the answer please.
5 : Give me your opinion on the Internet. No more that 10 words please.
6 : If you could animate any non animated film, which one would you chose and why?
7 : If at all, who do people say should play you in a film?
8 : You are in charge of the country for a day. What is the first thing you do?
9 : Do you have a favourite artist or type of art?
10 : First record you bought with your own money?
11 : You win the lottery. What's the plan?
I have only just started following other blogs, so I'll wait a bit to see who I tag. I'll do that later. If you are reading this anyway, feel free to answer the questions though. Post them as a response...
1 : If you aren't blogging, what are you doing?
ReplyDeleteIf not blogging, then I'm either online gaming, writing, training or working - though the latter has been extremely quiet over the past couple of weeks.
2 : Monkeys or Cats?
Cats, they at least have the decency to bury their pooh, whereas monkeys have a tendency to throw theirs at you when pissed off.
3 : You have the opportunity to reverse the untimely death of any famous/influential person. Who would it be and why?
Off the top of my head (and no, that wasn't a joke), I'd say JFK. I'd like to see how the USA would have turned out under his leadership.
4 : What one thing that you own could you absolutely not live without? No pets or people in the answer please.
It would have to be my watch - it has the date, time, stop watch, countdown timer, light and various time zones on it.
5 : Give me your opinion on the Internet. No more that 10 words please.
Great, if only 'they' could police it better.
6 : If you could animate any non animated film, which one would you chose and why?
Lord of the Rings - the standard of CGI today would blow away Peter Jackson's trilogy, and the only obstacle would be the imagination of the animators.
7 : If at all, who do people say should play you in a film?
Marcel Marceau.
8 : You are in charge of the country for a day. What is the first thing you do?
Oh, I refuse to answer this one on the grounds it would incriminate me and lose me all my friends - the few I have. But let's just say, the chavs and street gangs would live in fear...
9 : Do you have a favourite artist or type of art?
I absolutely love sci-fi and fantasy concept art of today. The artists out there are beyond words. Makes me wish I was born 20 years ago.
10 : First record you bought with your own money?
Dr Who theme tune (original, not the shite they have now) and Elvis Costello's Oliver's Army, oh yes, and Leena Lovitch's Lucky Number.
11 : You win the lottery. What's the plan?
You wouldn't see me for a couple of weeks, as I'd be away somewhere letting it all sink in - assuming I won it outright - then when all plans were made, start helping folks out. Though I'd never let on as to the exact amount won - AND I wouldn't go public.
Very good questions, Wayne - got me thinking a bit there. My advice to you is go look at more of the writers' blogs. They seem more 'vocal' when it comes to this kind of thing, and are more prone to commenting on a regular basis.
Keep it up, buddy, it's looking good.