Monday, 26 March 2012

The Versatile Blogger

My good friend and blog mentor Mark Kelly of The Open Hearth has nominated me for The Versatile Blogger award, which is nice of him. So, as I am currently enjoying some new traffic from his Blog Spot about my blog I thought it prudent and polite to get on the bus. 

Mark's site is mainly about Role Playing Games and also has some of his original writing on it. Currently he is writing a really good fantasy in short bursts that I think would make a great spoken word piece. I hope he goes for that idea as I would love to have a go at narrating it. As a result it has got my creative juices running and I might finally write the novel I have been thinking about for about ten years. Maybe I'll test some of it out on you lot. Anyway, I digress...

 There are rules to this thing and in the words of Phillip Larkin, this be the verse:

  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award ( I will be nominating fewer).
  2. In the same post add the Versatile Blogger Award (the one you see is not the original - that can be found on Amanda's blog).
  3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you with a link back to their blog site.
  4. In the same post add seven random facts/pieces of information about yourself.
  5. In the same post, include this set of rules.
  6. Inform each blogger of their nomination for the reward with a post in their comments section on their respective blogs.
*Please remember, these things are done for fun and help to promote a greater sense of community and communication, so if declining, at least do so with some grace and warmth.
Here are my list of nominees. There aren't fifteen sorry, I don't read that many blogs yet and some of the folk I do read have already got involved with this.

Hitting Dirtside

Claudia Del Balso, Writer

Geeky Tendencies

Cursed Armada

Drama, Dice and Damsons

So now, here are seven random facts about me.

One. I once sang solo live on Radio Four with a listening audience of one hundred and fifty thousand people.
Two. I believe wholeheartedly I was born two decades late. I should have been born in '53, not '73. The seventies was too good a decade for classic rock for me to miss while learning bladder control. You never know, I could have been the lead singer in Free and not that Paul Rodgers bloke. I could have been a contender.
Three. As I have grown older I have noticed that I talk like my father. It's uncanny.
Four. I very nearly won a welsh language talent show called Tip Top once. I'm glad I didn't as I would have had to be interviewed and I can't speak welsh.
Five. I can't let a day go by without listening to at least an hour of music. I go a bit weird if I don't.
Six. I am one of a growing club of people who have had a public altercation with Welsh International Scrum Half, Mike Phillips. Fantastic, world class rugby player, shit person.
Seven. I am terrified of rats. The sight of one makes me feel sick.




  1. *claps loudly, smiling* about bloody time! ;)

    Amazingly, those are things I never knew about you? So happy to see you got the posting of images sorted out - not as difficult s it first appears, eh?

    Looking forward to more of your writing, buddy - DO IT!

    1. PS: if you would prefer a different colour award badge to better fit in with the look of your blog, let me know, I have 8 colours available :)

  2. The image thing isn't as difficult, I literally copied and pasted the one off your site. Weird thing is that now when I view my blog from the dashboard, this is the only post that comes up. Is it the same for you?

  3. Regarding #2 - Now you can enjoy 70s rockers as they *re-learn* bladder control. ;-)

    Re: #7 - Don't ever travel by subway in New York. Just sayin'. ::shudders::


Wotcher. Comments are welcome and make Wayne happy. Please post some. Spammers on the other hand, I hunt down, kill and eat.

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